Terms and Conditions of Entry
All works must have been created within the last three years and be original work of the named artist.
All works must remain on display for the duration of Splash 2014 as per the dates set out on this website. All works must be available for sale.
Artists are required to submit their application by the due date as set out on this website.
The non-rfe=undable application fee is requested to be paid by the exhibitor to help cover the cost of screen hire, advertising, printing and insurance.
The applicable fee MUST be paid following the submission of artwork entry form, via eft, credit card or cheque (payable to Kew Primary School).
Kew Primary School will retain a commission of 30% of the sale price of all works sold as a result of the exhibition. Payment for any sales will be made to the artist within 30 days.
To receive payment for sold works all artists are required to supply an ABN number or complete a tax declaration form, which will be provided on sale of artwork.
Total number of entries is limited to six per artist including hung and 3 dimension works. Artists may enter both sections.
Artwork offered for exhibition must have the artist’s name, title of work, medium and price marked clearly on a label affixed to the back of the work or where appropriate for 3 dimensional work.
The Splash 2014 committee will have the final say in where works will be displayed and these works will, under no circumstances, be removed throughout the duration of Splash 2014.
The committee reserves the right to reject any work that is not framed professionally or in which the framing is fragile or not secured properly. Due care will be taken by the committee however framing is the responsibility of the artist, even after the work is sold. Artworks will not be accepted unless they are ready to hang with appropriate hooks and wire.
Wet paintings will not be hung.
Unframed paintings on canvas will be accepted providing appropriate hooks and wire are attached.
Works will be displayed on movable partitions, walls of the school or freestanding easels. Display tables will be available for 3 dimensional works. A plinth can be supplied for 3D artworks.
The school is unable to provide special lighting.
The committee reserves the right not to exhibit any work that it deems inappropriate.
Artists agree to allow Kew Primary School to release their name, phone number and email to the public for sales and promotion. Images of artworks may be used on the Kew Primary School’s website, Splash 2014 website and/or for promotion of Splash 2014.
Promotion of all entries in the Splash 2014 catalogue is planned but cannot be guaranteed.
Artwork is to be delivered to Kew Primary School at the set time as detailed on this website.
All unsold artworks are to be collected at the set times as displayed on this website. Kew Primary School will not be responsible for any uncollected work still at the school once the set collection times close.
Any works not collected will not be covered by insurance and no responsibility will be taken for any loss/damage. Extra charges for storage may also be incurred.
The school will exercise all reasonable care, but will accept no responsibility for any direct or indirect loss, theft or damage of artworks offered for exhibition. The school will have security employed during non-opening hours.
Applications can be submitted online via our website. Artists who do not have internet access, please contact Jayne on 0412 318 388 and request a paper application form.
It is the responsibility of the artist to ensure all work offered for exhibition meets all conditions of entry.
Art works may be rotated around the gallery during the show.